You can speed this up by taking all three ranks of the Swift Learner perk, increasing your earned XP by 30% to make each worth 33 XP.Beginning at Level 1, it takes 66,700 XP to reach Level 30.(Timed at less than 3 hrs, but more than 2 & 1/2 hrs With And Without Swift Learner Stack-up.) Takes approximately 5 minutes to do a 100 checks.IMPORTANT NOTE: It can be time-intensive and tedious to reach Level 30 (or 50 depending on what add ons you have) by using this exploit.Bear in mind this means you cannot use this exploit to gain Perks and then continue the game from Level 1.
Status: PC Confirmed, PlayStation 3 unconfirmed Xbox 360 Confirmed, Run Goodsprings Run You can repeatedly pass a Speech check of 35 and 46 worth 20xp.